Quotes of the Week (Vol. 4) and other Life Things

Happy Monday! I had intended to get share this post last Friday but last week turned into a total gongshow. June is always chaotic (at best) in our house but this one has really taken the cake. The weekend before Peter took off for four days and three nights to summit Mt. Baker. This has… Continue reading Quotes of the Week (Vol. 4) and other Life Things

(Point Form) (Audio) Book Review: The Damages by Genevieve Scott

Point form book reviews are reviews where I have something to say about a book I've read (or, in this case, listened to) but I don't have enough coherent thought around to write a full review. I enjoyed this more than I thought I would Did not know it was split into two parts, set… Continue reading (Point Form) (Audio) Book Review: The Damages by Genevieve Scott

20 Books of Summer 2024

This will be my second year participating in Cathy's annual book reading challenge. I like it because of how incredibly relaxed it is. Choose 20 books that you want to read in June, July, and August and then read them and report. You can choose fewer than 20 too and at the end nobody judges… Continue reading 20 Books of Summer 2024