Book Recommendations for the Sometimes Reader

Today is Peter's birthday! He recently found himself without a book to read and so asked me to make five suggestions for him. His criteria was simply that they be books we already own. In honour of Peter's birthday, and because it's something different, I thought I'd share the list (plus the longlist because I'm… Continue reading Book Recommendations for the Sometimes Reader

What I Read – May 2018

Read: The Boat People - Sharon Bala (McClelland & Stewart, 2018) (Read my review here.) The Redress of Poetry - Seamus Heaney (Faber and Faber, 1995) A Grace Disguised - Jerry Sittser (Zondervan, 2004) Loss is loss, whatever the circumstances. All losses are bad, only bad in different ways. No two losses are ever the same. Each loss… Continue reading What I Read – May 2018

Book Review: The Narrow Road to the Deep North by Richard Flanagan

Flanagan's novel of Australian soldiers in World War Two is well-written. I wouldn't say too well-written but the detail of certain horrors it describes is hard to take. I don't know that I've ever felt so physically ill while reading a novel before. Reading this was often like someone - Flanagan, I suppose - holding… Continue reading Book Review: The Narrow Road to the Deep North by Richard Flanagan

What I Read – March 2016

There was a time when Spring Break and holiday and travel meant I had time to read more than usual. Not this year, my friends, not this year. Here's what I did read: The Heart Goes Last - Margaret Atwood (Nan A. Talese/Doubleday Canada, 2015) Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes (Penguin Books, 2003) (translated… Continue reading What I Read – March 2016