20 Books of Summer 2024

This will be my second year participating in Cathy's annual book reading challenge. I like it because of how incredibly relaxed it is. Choose 20 books that you want to read in June, July, and August and then read them and report. You can choose fewer than 20 too and at the end nobody judges… Continue reading 20 Books of Summer 2024

What I Read – May 2018

Read: The Boat People - Sharon Bala (McClelland & Stewart, 2018) (Read my review here.) The Redress of Poetry - Seamus Heaney (Faber and Faber, 1995) A Grace Disguised - Jerry Sittser (Zondervan, 2004) Loss is loss, whatever the circumstances. All losses are bad, only bad in different ways. No two losses are ever the same. Each loss… Continue reading What I Read – May 2018

What I Read – April 2018

READ: Mysterious Fragrance of the Yellow Mountains - Yasuko Thanh (Hamish Hamilton, 2016) I went to school with Suko and so was familiar with her unique style and had an idea of where her interests lie. This historical novel set in Vietnam lined up with my expectations and I love her short stories (Her collection Floating Like… Continue reading What I Read – April 2018