Spring in the Garden

Practising my manual controls on the camera and enjoying the flowers in our garden. It would seem that the tree at our front door is a lilac tree. Looking into the heart of a tulip. My favourite flower. I think it's neat that we have a magnolia tree but I also kind of don't like… Continue reading Spring in the Garden

Good Morning

A cool, quiet morning. The weekend brought us rain, hail, lightning, and an all-night power outage. The sun showed its sheepish face yesterday and looks like it might hang around for a few more days. I am enjoying my beautifully normal life and a day off.

A Walk at Low Tide

Another sign of spring around here? Low tide. And I mean looowww tide. A tide so low I could practically walk to the general store from our house (which is located across the bay from us). It gives us a much larger front yard to explore. And underwater treasures to be discovered... The rocky island… Continue reading A Walk at Low Tide

What Easter Looked Like

Porpoises chasing a school of fish past the house. As we were getting ready for church Sunday morning I hear my brother-in-law yelling, "Porpoises! There's porpoises out front!" and we all rushed to the front windows. (Yes, we live in the same town as my in-laws and yes, we stayed the weekend with them for… Continue reading What Easter Looked Like