Book Review: If I Fall, If I Die by Michael Christie

A few years ago I heard Michael Christie read from his then new short story collection, The Beggar's Garden. I enjoyed the stories and so was curious to read more from him, now in novel form. If I Fall, If I Die doesn't disappoint and I found it even more readable and enjoyable than his… Continue reading Book Review: If I Fall, If I Die by Michael Christie

What I Read – November 2015

November has seen a vast improvement on Pearl's night-time sleep. Which is awesome but has really cut into my reading time. So this month's list is a little shorter but there have been some good reads. 1. The Portrait of a Lady - Henry James (Modern Library 2. Burial Rites - Hannah Kent (Little, Brown,… Continue reading What I Read – November 2015

Book Review: Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson

Harold is a child of undetermined age. However, he is bald and he is wearing clothes that are all one-piece and that tells me that he is too young to be going for a walk on his own. Conclusion: Harold's parents need to be reported. Does Harold live in a black hole? There is neither… Continue reading Book Review: Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson

Book Review – Jack Maggs by Peter Carey

If I say "Dickensian London" the English reader generally knows what I mean. Industry, soot, fog, poverty. Children working dangerous jobs for little pay. Jack Maggs has just arrived back in London after what was supposed to be a life sentence to Australia. When the man he desperately seeks, Henry Phipps, is nowhere to be… Continue reading Book Review – Jack Maggs by Peter Carey

Book Review: The Sorrow of War by Bao Ninh

After reading The Lotus Eaters (read my review here), it seemed fitting to read something about the Vietnam War from a North Vietnam perspective. The Sorrow of War was written by Bao Ninh, who served as a teenager for North Vietnam. While the book is fictional, it's easy to imagine that it's based on a… Continue reading Book Review: The Sorrow of War by Bao Ninh

Book Review: The Talent Thief by Alex Williams (Reading with Pearl)

Reading books for children and youth as an adult means you start to see the same things over and over again. There are tropes common to many books intended for children. So when you read a kids' book with some fresh ideas, you really notice. Adam and Cressida Bloom are brother and sister and, like… Continue reading Book Review: The Talent Thief by Alex Williams (Reading with Pearl)

Book Review: Roverandom by J.R.R. Tolkien (Reading with Pearl)

Although not as widely known as some of other Tolkien's books (have you heard of The Lord of the Rings?), Roverandom is one of my favourite reads on a sick day. So when Pearl recently had her first cold and wanted lots of cuddles, we snuggled up together and I read this to her. It's… Continue reading Book Review: Roverandom by J.R.R. Tolkien (Reading with Pearl)

Book Review: Remembrance by Alistair MacLeod

Remembrance is a short book, more of an essay, really than maybe even a story. I read it in one middle-of-the-night baby-feeding session. It's the story of three David MacDonalds; father and son and grandfather. The focus is primarily the first David MacDonald, who left his pregnant wife and young daughter to serve with the… Continue reading Book Review: Remembrance by Alistair MacLeod