What I Read – April 2016

*I've added a new page on the blog that lists all the book reviews. Currently, it is alphabetical by author's last name. Let me know if you have thoughts on better/additional ways to organize that. Feel free to check out some of the older reviews, including some books I'd forgotten I'd ever reviewed! Did you… Continue reading What I Read – April 2016

Book Review: The Secret History by Donna Tartt

  It's rare that I really neglect my child in order to read a book, but I came pretty close while reading The Secret History. Tartt provides all the suspense of a good mystery, mixed in with a lot of thoughtful philosophy, strong characters, and great writing. Our narrator is Richard, a young man who… Continue reading Book Review: The Secret History by Donna Tartt

Book Review: Telephone Time – A First Book of Telephone Do’s and Don’t’s (Reading with Pearl)

As a parent, I look forward to the day when I can tell my kids that I remember the world before the Internet. That I can remember the first iPads, the days before everyone had an e-mail address, or the time when - if you wanted to have a telephone conversation - you had to… Continue reading Book Review: Telephone Time – A First Book of Telephone Do’s and Don’t’s (Reading with Pearl)

Book Review: Your Heart is a Muscle the Size of a Fist by Sunil Yapa

There's a lot to applaud in Sunil Yapa's debut novel. He combines words and creates scenes in unique ways, blending words unexpectedly to create a moment or invoke a sense. His descriptions are detailed without tipping over to the realm of overkill and the results are characters and scenes that are easy to visualize. The… Continue reading Book Review: Your Heart is a Muscle the Size of a Fist by Sunil Yapa

Book Review: The Heart of the Matter by Graham Greene

The convergence of literature and religion is something that has long interested me as a reader, a writer, and a Christian. It's rare that I'm quite satisfied with the way Christianity and the Christian life and walk is portrayed in art (this was one of my primary complaints with such books as Good to a… Continue reading Book Review: The Heart of the Matter by Graham Greene

Book Review: Pax by Sara Pennypacker (Reading with Pearl)

I was really excited about this book when I first heard about it. A modern day animal story, an adventure and a journey to reunite between a boy and his fox. I expected something like The Incredible Journey or The Trumpet of the Swan. I hadn't read Sara Pennypacker before but I love Jon Klassen's… Continue reading Book Review: Pax by Sara Pennypacker (Reading with Pearl)

Book Review: A Separate Peace by John Knowles

A Separate Peace is one of the more unusual books about World War II that I've ever read. Set in 1942, it begins in the summer term at Devon, an upscale boys' prep school in New England. Our narrator is Gene Forrester. Quiet, smart, a little awkward. Summer term at Devon is a lull in… Continue reading Book Review: A Separate Peace by John Knowles