What I Read – September 2016

Missing, Presumed - Susie Steiner (Harper Collins, 2016) Rumours of Another World - Philip Yancey (Zondervan, 2004) Commonwealth - Ann Patchett (Harper, 2016) Flight Behavior - Barbara Kingsolver (Harper Perennial, 2012) Currently Reading: Prayer - Timothy Keller The Trees - Ali Shaw

Reading with Pearl: A Child of Books by Oliver Jeffers and Sam Winston

I love just about everything from Oliver Jeffers that I've gotten my hands on. (The Day the Crayons Quit is probably my favourite.) His illustrations are unique and his stories are fun and whimsical and often hilarious. His most recent book, a collaboration with the artist Sam Winston doesn't disappoint. While A Child of Books… Continue reading Reading with Pearl: A Child of Books by Oliver Jeffers and Sam Winston

Book Review: Missing, Presumed by Susie Steiner

If you've been reading reviews here for a while, you may have noticed I don't read many mysteries. The truth is, I'm kind of a chicken. I have an overactive imagination and when I read horror or violence I have a hard time keeping my brain from focusing on those mental images. (And it doesn't… Continue reading Book Review: Missing, Presumed by Susie Steiner

Book Review: The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

The Nightingale offers a interesting conundrum to a book reader. It's an engaging, easy-to-read story and so it's not hard to understand why so many readers seem to have fallen in love with it recently. On the other hand, it's also not very well-written. After hearing some rave reviews of Kristin Hannah's latest novel (I'd… Continue reading Book Review: The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

Summer 2016…and some other news

Now that we're well on our way into September and heading steadily towards autumn, I think I can just squeak in a bit of a summer re-cap. It was a perfectly normal, low-key, Coastal summer for us. The Sunshine Coast is one of the best places on Earth to spend the summer. It's what we… Continue reading Summer 2016…and some other news

Book Review: Today Will Be Different by Maria Semple

Fans of Maria Semple's previous novel, Where'd You Go, Bernadette?, will not be disappointed by her new offering. Today Will Be Different has all the wackiness, sentimentality, family love, and Seattle adoration that Bernadette brought without feeling like Semple treads ground already covered. (Though readers may find some of it familiar.) Eleanor is our eccentric… Continue reading Book Review: Today Will Be Different by Maria Semple

Book Review: The Nest by Maria by Cynthia d’Aprix Sweeney

The Nest seems to have been one of the more hyped books of Spring/Summer 2016 and so it's disappointing that, in the end, it was only kind of mediocre. It's an easy read - something to pick up on a long weekend or a couple of days at the beach - but there's no real… Continue reading Book Review: The Nest by Maria by Cynthia d’Aprix Sweeney

Book Review: The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

When The Goldfinch was first released in 2013, I heard many excellent reviews of Donna Tartt's work. Having never read her before though, I was reluctant to commit to nearly 800 pages. It wasn't until I read Tartt's early novel, The Secret History, that I became excited to read more from her. Thankfully, The Goldfinch… Continue reading Book Review: The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt