What I Read – February 2017

The Conjoined - Sookfong Jen Lee (ECW Press, 2016) Here I Am - Jonathan Safran Foer (Hamish Hamilton, 2016) Jacob was a man who withheld comfort but stood at thresholds long after others would have walked away. He always stood at the open front door until the car pool drove off. Just as he stood… Continue reading What I Read – February 2017

Book Review: The Conjoined by Jen Sookfong Lee

The Conjoined is filled with everything you hope will never happen to your daughter. Although set in the city of Vancouver whose streets and neighbourhoods I recognize, the story seems to exist in some alternate universe where Vancouver is terrible, always dangerous, where nothing good exists, everyone is evil, and you might as well not… Continue reading Book Review: The Conjoined by Jen Sookfong Lee

Book Review: Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff

Lotto and Mathilde meet at the very end of their final year of university and marry two weeks later. They're young, broke, and both shocked by the fact of falling in love. Fates and Furies follows them through the next twenty or so years of their marriage, detailing the ups and downs, the secrets that… Continue reading Book Review: Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff

Reading with Pearl: Sandra Boynton

Sandra Boynton is currently one of Pearl's favourite authors. Her books are colourful, goofy, and full of animals. While Boynton has many, many books for children, the ones pictured above are the titles we own. Boynton uses lots of rhyme and song to keep the books entertaining and fun to read. Pearl will ask for… Continue reading Reading with Pearl: Sandra Boynton

Book Review: Such is My Beloved by Morley Callaghan

Father Dowling is a young Catholic priest in a city parish. One day he happens to meet two young women, prostitutes, and begins a sort of friendship with them. His love for them is strong - perhaps even Christ-like - but shockingly naive and his increasing single-mindedness and involvement in their lives becomes distorting and… Continue reading Book Review: Such is My Beloved by Morley Callaghan


After the three of us recovered from our extended colds, January turned out to be a pretty good month around here. Pearl is now 23 months! Her hair is long enough that it occasionally gets in her eyes, she is currently getting a new tooth, and she is full of energy. We stayed away from… Continue reading January…