2023 Highlights: Keats Island

Last week we took our annual family camping trip to Keats Island. As I've shared before, Peter and I have been camping at Plumpers Cove since before we were married. We've camped with the girls every year they've been alive and this year we camped with Winnie the Dog for the first time. In the… Continue reading 2023 Highlights: Keats Island

2022 Highlights: August

Well hello there! I did not intend to let the entire month of August pass without posting at all but it happened. We had a full month and it made sense to let this little online space go a bit. I've been camping, reading (more on that soon), eating, spending time with friends and family.… Continue reading 2022 Highlights: August

2021 Highlights: Week 30 (Keats Island Edition)

This past week we made our annual camping trip to Keats Island. Peter and I have been camping there countless times before (him especially) and this marked our 5th year camping with the girls. (See 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2016. 2017 is conspicuously missing but my excuse is that I was severely pregnant for much… Continue reading 2021 Highlights: Week 30 (Keats Island Edition)

Keats Island 2020

Camping on Keats Island is a family tradition for us. It's the first place we ever camped with Pearl and we've been there with the girls every year since Rose was born. (That makes this our third year in a row.) Before there was ever a Rose and Pearl, Peter and I camped here together… Continue reading Keats Island 2020

Keats Island 2019

We have just returned from our semi-annual camping trip to Keats Island. It was a hit all around. Pearl cried when it was time to leave and is already full of plans for next year. This was her third time, Rose's second, and I don't know what number for Peter and I. (Though I do… Continue reading Keats Island 2019

Camping with Kids – Part 2

At the beginning of the summer, I shared our first experience of camping with two kids. Now I'm sharing what we've learned after a summer of camping and outdoor adventures with our kids. (Read Part 1 here.) We camped a total of four times this summer (not including the two times Peter camped out in… Continue reading Camping with Kids – Part 2

Pearl’s First Camping Trip

Peter and I have camped several times together in the years that we've known each other. We've camped with friends or just the two of us but we've never camped with a toddler. Until now! When it comes to parenting, I'm learning that often you simply have to take the plunge. We've always known that… Continue reading Pearl’s First Camping Trip

Perfect Days

We've had a couple of pretty amazing days in a row here. The weather has been sunny and warm without being uncomfortably hot and we currently live in one of the most beautiful spots in the world. I feel very blessed. Check this out...it's a beach just a couple of blocks from where we're staying.… Continue reading Perfect Days