Summer 2020

Summer is my favourite season. So I'll cling to it as long as I can (which means as long as the sunshine lasts) but in our household we are shifting into our fall schedule. Peter will be back to work fulltime next week and - the very biggest change - Pearl begins kindergarten soon. (Yes,… Continue reading Summer 2020

Powell River 2020

Haywire Bay Our family recently returned from a week away in Powell River. For those of you not from around here, Powell River is the northern part of the Sunshine Coast. After about an hour's drive from our house, we take a ferry to Saltery Bay. Powell River is an old mill town with a… Continue reading Powell River 2020

Life: Almost Summer

My girls In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him was not any thing made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.… Continue reading Life: Almost Summer

Life: What We Did in April

So April was...a month. It feels very strange to look back over an entire month full of things I didn't do. We didn't swim at the pool. We didn't get new books from the library. We didn't have friends over or go to anybody's home. We didn't play at the park. I didn't set foot… Continue reading Life: What We Did in April

Reading with Pearl & Rose: Alphabet Books

The alphabet is, obviously, the foundation of literacy. There are a LOT of alphabet books out there for kids, with all kinds of themes and illustrations. These are some of the favourites in our household. Pearl knows her ABCs now and is beginning to recognize a few simple words. Rose remains largely illiterate. ABCers -… Continue reading Reading with Pearl & Rose: Alphabet Books

Life: The New Normal

Painted rock at the beach - "Remember to Breathe 2020" "The new normal" is a phrase I keep hearing. I'm not entirely sure what it means and I'm not quite sure any of us really know what our new normal is. It's strange how quickly our minds adapt and yet how slow. How quickly it… Continue reading Life: The New Normal

Life: Valentine Day and Other Excitement

Actually, this post has nothing to do with Valentine's Day other than that today is, in fact, that day and that means we are halfway through February. Not sure how that happened so quickly when January lasted roughly three hundred days. January hike We did fit in some fun in January though, even as we… Continue reading Life: Valentine Day and Other Excitement

Mid-Month Check-In and Happy Thanksgiving!

October has not had a great start in either the book review or the book reading department. I've completed 3 books and DNFed 2 others and am contemplating abandoning a current read. In an effort to break the cycle, I'm sharing a bit of what I've read so far as well as some recent life… Continue reading Mid-Month Check-In and Happy Thanksgiving!

Rose is 2!

Rose is 2! We ended September with a party and a birthday to celebrate another whole year of our Rose. I'll admit, I'm sort of in shock over this one because how can my baby be entirely out of babyhood and into toddlerhood? Rose doesn't yet say her own name but refers to herself as… Continue reading Rose is 2!

The Rest of the Summer (So Far)

As August quickly approaches its end, we've started to look ahead to the fall in our household. Peter's work schedule changes to its more regular hours in a couple weeks and so the rhythm of our days will revert back to its more ordinary flow. In the meantime, we are enjoying our last days of… Continue reading The Rest of the Summer (So Far)