2023 Highlights: April

We’ve had both some wonderful spring weather and some heavy rain and cold. I haven’t had much time to spend in the garden yet but the girls have been playing in our yard a little more now. We celebrated Easter (and my dad’s birthday) with my extended family and had a lovely weekend together. And… Continue reading 2023 Highlights: April

Life: What We Did in April

So April was...a month. It feels very strange to look back over an entire month full of things I didn't do. We didn't swim at the pool. We didn't get new books from the library. We didn't have friends over or go to anybody's home. We didn't play at the park. I didn't set foot… Continue reading Life: What We Did in April

Life in April

Rose was six months at the very end of March and so we have started introducing solid foods. This was her face when she first tasted apple sauce. (Pearl was thrilled for Rose to start eating real food and really wanted to hold the spoon for her little sister. Later she told me that this… Continue reading Life in April