Rose is 6!

Our littlest girl is not so little anymore! Last week Rose turned 6. We celebrated with several of her friends and a unicorn party. (Definitely our easiest theme so far. If you know our kids, you know they love a good birthday theme. This one only required a visit to the dollar store.) Our Rose… Continue reading Rose is 6!

Pearl is 8!

Our girl is 8! Hard to believe we've been parents for 8 whole years. Last week we celebrated Pearl and the amazing kid she is. Pearl is funny and quirky, she is sweet and sensitive and often very thoughtful towards others. She loves animals and wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. Her… Continue reading Pearl is 8!

Rose is 5!

Our Rose. She is a delight. She lives large and feels her feelings hard. At the beginning of September, I met with the kindergarten teachers at the girls' school, an opportunity to help them get a sense of my child as they figured out class placements. I pondered how to describe Rose. Rose loves hard.… Continue reading Rose is 5!

Pearl is 7!

Our sweet Pearl-girl turned 7! We are big believers in "Birthday Week" in our house so we've spent all week celebrating Pearl. Last week started off with a family swim and then a trip up Coast to Pender Harbour. Last year, unable to travel or have a party for Pearl's birthday, we had a little… Continue reading Pearl is 7!

Rose is 4!

This girl is 4! Rose celebrated her birthday at the end of September and, oh my goodness, what a gift she is! Rose is full of personality and passion. She is little but loud and she is rarely shy about expressing herself. She is affectionate, always up for a cuddle, and quick to say, "I… Continue reading Rose is 4!

Life: Throwing a Low-Waste Birthday Party

We are not a zero-waste family but we are always striving to produce less waste. In our daily life I think we are doing okay though there is of course room for improvement. When I started attempting to make changes to reduce our plastic-usage and our general garbage creation, I noticed one major source of… Continue reading Life: Throwing a Low-Waste Birthday Party

Pearl is 5!

This week our Pearl turned 5! She is feisty and goofy, hilarious and serious. She loves to follow (and enforce) rules. She likes clear boundaries and expectations and so, I hope, will thrive in school this coming fall. She likes being in charge (classic oldest sibling) and is quite competitive. She is a true introvert… Continue reading Pearl is 5!

Rose is 2!

Rose is 2! We ended September with a party and a birthday to celebrate another whole year of our Rose. I'll admit, I'm sort of in shock over this one because how can my baby be entirely out of babyhood and into toddlerhood? Rose doesn't yet say her own name but refers to herself as… Continue reading Rose is 2!

Pearl is 4!

Our Pearl. She is curious and imaginative and very observant. She loves cars (her chosen party theme) and dinosaurs. She loves playing with her cars and has elaborate worlds built up around her car family (as she calls them). She's very relational in her play and everything is always sorted into families. Pearl loves looking… Continue reading Pearl is 4!