2023 Highlights: August and the end of Summer

Hard to believe that tomorrow is Labour Day and everyone goes back to school on Tuesday. While in some ways we're all looking forward to the return of routines and regular schedules, it's always sad to say good-bye to summer vacation. June feels like a long time ago but August flew by! The last couple… Continue reading 2023 Highlights: August and the end of Summer

2022 Highlights: Rest of July

A few photos from recently: Beautiful Hemingway book Peter surprised me with Off to a birthday party! We grew potatoes! Lots of beach days around here We finished out July with a short trip to Squamish. Squamish is a town situated between Vancouver and Whistler so only a ferry ride and a short drive away.… Continue reading 2022 Highlights: Rest of July

2022 Highlights: Week 26

It’s been a full week around here with the start of summer holidays. We kicked off with a birthday party and potluck at our friends’ beautiful family farm. We swam in the ocean, ate seafood, and enjoyed a bouncy castle. Peter then defended his Masters and handed in his final project and he is DONE!… Continue reading 2022 Highlights: Week 26

2022 Highlights: Week 18

The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;You hold my lot.The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.Psalm 15:5-6 There is a lot going on in the world; there is a lot going on close to home. But sometimes I look around at my life and think, "How… Continue reading 2022 Highlights: Week 18

2022 Highlights: Week 14

For the beauty of each hourOf the day and of the nightHill and vale and tree and flow'rSun and Moon and stars of lightSun and Moon and stars of light 'Lord of all, to Thee we raiseThis our joyful hymn of praise"For the Beauty of the Earth" I've been listening to a lot of old… Continue reading 2022 Highlights: Week 14

2022 Highlights: Week 12

Spring Break has thrown my posting schedule all askew so this is my attempt to get back on track. I've been reading quite a bit but not reviewing. Will hopefully start getting caught up there next week. Some highlights: One of our spring break goals was to tidy up a section of our house we… Continue reading 2022 Highlights: Week 12

2021 Highlights: Week 38

Last Sunday was crisp and sunny, a perfect late summer day. We had Bella the Dog staying with us so went for a walk along Chapman Creek. We watched the salmon on their journey upstream, climbed on the rocks along the riverside, and then went to my in-laws’ to pick pears and apples from their… Continue reading 2021 Highlights: Week 38

2021 Highlights: Week 30 (Keats Island Edition)

This past week we made our annual camping trip to Keats Island. Peter and I have been camping there countless times before (him especially) and this marked our 5th year camping with the girls. (See 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2016. 2017 is conspicuously missing but my excuse is that I was severely pregnant for much… Continue reading 2021 Highlights: Week 30 (Keats Island Edition)

2021 Highlights: Week 21

Some ups and downs this week. It was a cloudier, rainier week again and I didn't take a lot of pictures as we spent a lot of time inside. Here are some good things: We had ice cream for dessert one evening (not a common occurrence around here) and the girls promptly scurried out back… Continue reading 2021 Highlights: Week 21