2022 Highlights: Halloween, snow, and vaccinations

I am delighted to announce that as of this weekend, our whole family is vaccinated against Covid-19! Rose got her first dose on Saturday, along with her annual flu shot. I had registered her through the online system as soon as she turned 5 in September but after not hearing anything back, I went ahead… Continue reading 2022 Highlights: Halloween, snow, and vaccinations

Book Review: Wuhan Diary by Fang Fang

Wuhan Diary - Fang Fang (HarperVia, 2020) On January 25, 2020, the city of Wuhan went into lockdown. This was the epicentre of what would become a global pandemic. While much of the world would soon follow suit, while Wuhan was at the height of its fight against coronavirus, the rest of the world was… Continue reading Book Review: Wuhan Diary by Fang Fang

Life Lately: Lockdown Week ???

We're somewhere around 5 or 6 weeks into this current lockdown. About two weeks ago it was extended to January 8th and while I don't believe that the government is (or even has the power to) cancelling Christmas, there have been the ups and downs of emotions surrounding that announcement. We are, however, very fortunate,… Continue reading Life Lately: Lockdown Week ???

Life Lately: Lockdown Week 3

Unfortunately, though predictably, our lockdown has been extended another two weeks (at least) and now includes the entire province. I keep re-writing this post to make it sound less dreary and depressing because really (honestly!) we're doing fine. We are healthy, we are safe, we are together. I will just say that I am finding… Continue reading Life Lately: Lockdown Week 3

Life: What We Did in April

So April was...a month. It feels very strange to look back over an entire month full of things I didn't do. We didn't swim at the pool. We didn't get new books from the library. We didn't have friends over or go to anybody's home. We didn't play at the park. I didn't set foot… Continue reading Life: What We Did in April

Life: The New Normal

Painted rock at the beach - "Remember to Breathe 2020" "The new normal" is a phrase I keep hearing. I'm not entirely sure what it means and I'm not quite sure any of us really know what our new normal is. It's strange how quickly our minds adapt and yet how slow. How quickly it… Continue reading Life: The New Normal