February Long Weekend

This past weekend was a long one around here, thanks to the made up holiday of Family Day. (Hey, I'm not complaining. We now get a day off in February.) Our weekend was a lovely blend of friends, outdoors, down time, and good food. (Pearl loves this book of farm animals and now goes, "Mmmm"… Continue reading February Long Weekend

Day 2 – 30 Day Dress Challenge 2014

Quick selfie before I start my day! The Dress: Quiksilver, purchased here in Sechelt at the local consignment shop. It lacks shape without the belt but it's a fun, lightweight summer dress. I took this one to Europe last summer and got great use out of it. See? I just got off a train there… Continue reading Day 2 – 30 Day Dress Challenge 2014


After taking my camera everywhere for a month, packing it with me on trains, subways, mountain trails, and through museums, I guess I needed a break. September 2013 will remain without much photographic evidence in our household. That's okay. Sometimes it's nice to just look at things and remember them that way. This weekend though,… Continue reading Thankful

Summer’s Still Here

Summertime on the Sunshine Coast is an especially wonderful time. The days are long and bright, the water is warm(er) but always refreshing, and there is always something to do outside. From kayaking and mountain biking to sitting on your own or someone else's deck and drinking a cold beer. I honestly feel a little… Continue reading Summer’s Still Here

Long Weekend, Long Weekend, Long Weekend

That's a pretty beautiful pairing of words, isn't it? Oh, Canada! Thanks for the long weekend! What did I do? Got dressed up and had a fancy dinner out with my handsome husband. We had a gift certificate (Thanks Jen!) to a nice restaurant nearby and ate delicious food while watching the rain fall over… Continue reading Long Weekend, Long Weekend, Long Weekend

Why I Hate “Beach Reads”

A day off and a sunny afternoon. Sitting on my deck, plus 20 degree weather, a yummy berry smoothie. It occurred to me that Gabriel Garcia Marquez' News of a Kidnapping was kind of a dark read on such a beautiful day. Not that anyone should be surprised that a true story of kidnappings in… Continue reading Why I Hate “Beach Reads”

The Magic of Sunshine

If you live somewhere along the West Coast of North America right now, I'm willing to bet your favourite form of social media is full of happy statements. Mine is, at least, and it's due quite wholly to the amazing weather we had this weekend/are still having right this minute. Sunshine can make a pretty… Continue reading The Magic of Sunshine

A Walk at Low Tide

Another sign of spring around here? Low tide. And I mean looowww tide. A tide so low I could practically walk to the general store from our house (which is located across the bay from us). It gives us a much larger front yard to explore. And underwater treasures to be discovered... The rocky island… Continue reading A Walk at Low Tide

What Easter Looked Like

Porpoises chasing a school of fish past the house. As we were getting ready for church Sunday morning I hear my brother-in-law yelling, "Porpoises! There's porpoises out front!" and we all rushed to the front windows. (Yes, we live in the same town as my in-laws and yes, we stayed the weekend with them for… Continue reading What Easter Looked Like