Some 2024 Highlights and other Goings On

On my walk home from work the other day. It's hard to believe we are already halfway through April. Here on the Pacific West Coast, we've made it through the hardest part of the year, meteorologically speaking. While we'll surely still have rain in the coming weeks and months, the sun is shining more and… Continue reading Some 2024 Highlights and other Goings On

2023 Highlights: April

We’ve had both some wonderful spring weather and some heavy rain and cold. I haven’t had much time to spend in the garden yet but the girls have been playing in our yard a little more now. We celebrated Easter (and my dad’s birthday) with my extended family and had a lovely weekend together. And… Continue reading 2023 Highlights: April

“Always, everywhere, in the deepest depths…the highest heights”

I do not want ever to be indifferent to the joys and beauties of this life. For through these, as through pain, we are enabled to see purpose in randomness, pattern in chaos. We do not have to understand in order to believe that behind the mystery and the fascination there is love. - Madeleine… Continue reading “Always, everywhere, in the deepest depths…the highest heights”

2022 Highlights: Rest of April (including Easter)

How cool are my kids? I was going to say that it’s been a busy few weeks but I think that’s just our life. And it’s a good life, so I’m definitely not complaining. Easter felt full and busy after the quiet celebrations of the last two years. Easter is really the central celebration of… Continue reading 2022 Highlights: Rest of April (including Easter)

2021 Highlights: Week 14

This is already old news, I guess, since Easter was a week ago but I can't resist an opportunity to share some cute pictures and it was technically a highlight of this week: Hand-me-downs! This is a form of recycling that makes me happy. We have some generous friends who have passed clothes from their… Continue reading 2021 Highlights: Week 14

2021 Highlights: Week 13

...if I"m going to prescribe you a medicine of good words - I'm going to also have to say to you take it slowly, a spoonful at a time. This is sweet medicine, so savour it and really rest your mind in the beauty of language. It's not that we don't ever think about or… Continue reading 2021 Highlights: Week 13

Life in April

Rose was six months at the very end of March and so we have started introducing solid foods. This was her face when she first tasted apple sauce. (Pearl was thrilled for Rose to start eating real food and really wanted to hold the spoon for her little sister. Later she told me that this… Continue reading Life in April

Spring Break 2016 – Sechelt

Things that happened without leaving home: We did some local hikes and exploration. Which also included some time at the neighbourhood park. (That swing is not really Pearl-sized.) We hung out in our backyard for basically the first time this year. It was sunny enough to hang laundry to dry outside for the first time… Continue reading Spring Break 2016 – Sechelt